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About Bud Rub

Bud Rub is a salve that has a long history of use for pain and inflammation.  For over two decades now Bud Rub has been helping people with pain from a variety of conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, repetitive use injuries, and eczema. It has also helped with the itch from shingles. 

Over the years the product has evolved growing from a single scent (original) in the 15 ml travel size to one with four scents and three different sizes.  Bud Rub is now available in 15, 50, and 100 ml size jars. In addition to the original scent the product can also be found with Lemongrass, Lavender, and Low Scent variations. Finally, due to popular demand the Original Scent with DMSO is available again. The Original Scent without DMSO is still available as well.  

One of the original uses for Bud Rub was for cold sores and was the very reason it was first created. In 2019 we introduced the lip balm version of the product. This is a firmer product in a lip applicator and a very light peppermint flavour. Great for protection against wind burn and dry lips as well as an aid to those with cold sores. 

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